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Improving IT Operations with Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence

Today’s enterprise organizations are up against it. They must deliver high-quality employee and customer experiences, ensure compliance with regulations, manage complex IT infrastructures, and cope with internal and external stakeholders' increasing demands and expectations of their digital transformation initiatives.

When implemented correctly, Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) can be an integral part of the remedy for what ails many organizations — inefficient systems and talent retention — ultimately leading to improved digital transformation outcomes, no matter what industry you are in.

Here is an example of AIOps in action:

  • Challenge:  A hospital's IT team is inundated with alerts when the EHR system experiences a network outage that affects multiple servers and applications. Meanwhile, an incident that affects patient privacy is lost in the alert noise.
  • Solution:  AIOps helps IT teams cut through the noise. In this case, it would have grouped all the alerts related to the network outage into one incident and prioritized the data breach incident affecting patient privacy, assigning it critical status so it could be resolved quickly.

At Compucom, we've been industry leaders in sourcing, integrating, and supporting all your technology needs for over 35 years. As an early adopter of AIOps technologies, we have the experience you need for a successful implementation.

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Compucom can help you with a successful AIOps implementation. Download the eBook and reach out to learn more.

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Want to learn more? Interested in a free trial or assessment? Fill out the form below and download our brochure.

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Compucom can help you with a successful AIOps implementation. Download the eBook and reach out to learn more.

Download the ebook

Improving IT Operations with Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence

Today’s enterprise organizations are up against it. They must deliver high-quality employee and customer experiences, ensure compliance with regulations, manage complex IT infrastructures, and cope with internal and external stakeholders' increasing demands and expectations of their digital transformation initiatives.

When implemented correctly, Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) can be an integral part of the remedy for what ails many organizations — inefficient systems and talent retention — ultimately leading to improved digital transformation outcomes, no matter what industry you are in.

Here is an example of AIOps in action:

  • Challenge:  A hospital's IT team is inundated with alerts when the EHR system experiences a network outage that affects multiple servers and applications. Meanwhile, an incident that affects patient privacy is lost in the alert noise.
  • Solution:  AIOps helps IT teams cut through the noise. In this case, it would have grouped all the alerts related to the network outage into one incident and prioritized the data breach incident affecting patient privacy, assigning it critical status so it could be resolved quickly.

At Compucom, we've been industry leaders in sourcing, integrating, and supporting all your technology needs for over 35 years. As an early adopter of AIOps technologies, we have the experience you need for a successful implementation.

compucom AIOps Beyond the Buzzword eBook cover

Compucom can help you with a successful AIOps implementation. Download the eBook and reach out to learn more.

Download the ebook

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What is Cisco Duo?

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What is Cisco Duo?

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Cisco Duo for Healthcare

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Cyber Liability Insurance

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