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Let's Talk
Compucom - Cisco Master Security Specialized BadgeCompucom - Cisco Gold Integrator Badge
Compucom - Cisco Master Security Specialized BadgeCompucom - Cisco Gold Integrator Badge

Simplifying access management for your workplace

The increased pace of digital transformation over the past few years across every industry has improved employee and customer experience and streamlined workflows. However, it has also introduced new data security and privacy risks.

While steps must be taken to protect your sensitive data and ensure regulatory compliance, we understand that it's vitally important that security measures don't burden your staff by reducing the usability of their devices or impact your day-to-day business. We are here to help you strike the right balance.

Cisco Duo enhances the usability of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) while maintaining robust security and compliance with the rules and regulations you are beholden to. Cisco Duo helps achieve this balance through:

  • A fast and seamless login experience
  • Quick integration
  • Flexible authentication options

At Compucom, we are technology driven and people powered at our core. It's in our DNA. For more than 35 years, we've been industry leaders in sourcing, integrating, and supporting all of your technology needs. To us, our business is about more technology access, streamlined processes, and improved business outcomes. It's about helping you provide better technology experiences for your staff and customers and improving your business operations.

compucom MFA is not enough brochure cover

Want to learn more? Interested in a free trial or assessment? Fill out the form below and download our brochure.

compucom MFA is not enough brochure cover

Want to learn more? Interested in a free trial or assessment? Fill out the form below and download our brochure.

compucom MFA is not enough brochure cover

Want to learn more? Interested in a free trial or assessment? Fill out the form below and download our brochure.

Compucom - Cisco Master Security Specialized BadgeCompucom - Cisco Gold Integrator Badge

Simplifying access management for your workplace

The increased pace of digital transformation in healthcare over the past few years has improved patient care and streamlined workflows. However, it has also introduced new data security and privacy risks.

While steps must be taken to protect patients and ensure HIPAA compliance, it's vitally important that security measures don't burden healthcare staff or delay patient care by reducing the usability of their devices.

Cisco Duo enhances the usability of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) while maintaining robust security and compliance with HIPAA and EPCS (Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances). Cisco Duo helps achieve this balance through:

  • A fast and seamless login experience
  • Quick integration
  • Flexible authentication options

At Compucom, we are technology driven and people powered at our core. It’s in our DNA. For more than 35 years, we've been industry leaders in sourcing, integrating, and supporting all of your technology needs. To us, our business is about more technology access, streamlined processes, and improved business outcomes. It's about helping you provide better technology experiences for your staff, reduced wait times, and improved patient care.

compucom MFA is not enough brochure cover

Want to learn more? Interested in a free trial or assessment? Fill out the form below and download our brochure.


Learn more about Cisco Duo solutions:

What is Cisco Duo?

Compucom What is Cisco Duo cover

Cisco Duo for Healthcare

compucom - cisco duo for healthcare cover

Why Cisco Duo Over MFA

Compucom - Why Choose Duo Over MFA cover

Cyber Liability Insurance

Compucom - Cisco Duo for Cyber Liability Insurance cover

Learn more about Cisco Duo solutions:

Compucom What is Cisco Duo cover

What is Cisco Duo?

compucom - cisco duo for healthcare cover

Cisco Duo for Healthcare

Compucom - Why Choose Duo Over MFA cover

Why Cisco Duo Over MFA

Compucom - Cisco Duo for Cyber Liability Insurance cover

Cyber Liability Insurance
