Older woman in a meeting

Navigating the Remote IT Talent Pool

Remote work empowers both employees and their organizations. A recent Cisco study found remote or hybrid work improved employee performance, work-life balance, and mental and physical health — with 77.9% reporting it has enhanced their overall well-being. When no longer confined to office locations, employers have a greatly expanded talent pool to pick from. 

Compucom Blog - Your IT Infrastructure 7 Critical Questions

Your IT Infrastructure: 7 Critical Questions

Your IT infrastructure has never been more critical to your company’s success. Combining the right hardware, software, people, and processes for an infrastructure that enables communication, creates efficiencies, protects data, and optimizes the user experience is a tall order, often falling to an already overburdened IT department. 

Compucom Blog - Healthcare Cybersecurity

Healthcare Cybersecurity

With the high rate of cyberattacks in the healthcare industry expected to continue, it’s more a question of when a provider will be attacked than if. During January 2023 alone, 30 breach cases for healthcare providers were investigated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights.