8 Practical Tips for Navigating Technical Debt

8 Practical Tips for Navigating Technical Debt

Technical debt, the implied cost of future rework due to choosing an easy, immediate solution can leave you watching the competition pass you by. Technical debt can be a significant obstacle for enterprise organizations, but it can be managed effectively with the right strategy and tools.

Healthcare professional working on a laptop related to cybersecurity

Protect Healthcare Data Without Sacrificing Device Usability

The increased pace of digital transformation in healthcare over the past few years, with improvements such as patient record access from mobile devices, has improved patient care and streamlined workflows. However, it has also introduced new data security and privacy risks for electronic health records (EHR). This is especially alarming with the current rate and sophistication of cyberattacks.

Older woman in a meeting

Navigating the Remote IT Talent Pool

Remote work empowers both employees and their organizations. A recent Cisco study found remote or hybrid work improved employee performance, work-life balance, and mental and physical health — with 77.9% reporting it has enhanced their overall well-being. When no longer confined to office locations, employers have a greatly expanded talent pool to pick from.